Acquisition of NPL’s

We buy problematic, unsecured and / or hard-to-collect receivables, both in the commercial and banking sector. Furthermore, any company (industrial, financial, commercial and craft business) can sell its bad debts with our support through the process of the so-called non- recourse factoring.

This proposed procedure, which seeks to clean up the balance sheet of NPL (non-performing loans), that are very difficult if not impossible to recover, allows the company to deduct the loans from the taxes and make use of the associated tax advantage.

In fact, the instrument of non-recourse factoring, governed by art. 1260 and following, proves to be the ideal option to obtain a certain and definitive assignment of receivables difficult to collect to a third party and to obtain the advantage of tax deductibility, as required by Law 147/2013 (Stability Law 2014) and subsequent circular of the Agency of Revenue No. 14 / E of 4 June 2014.

Therefore, every single transfer activity requires a proper credit check, which takes into account the indispensable technical and legal aspects of a practical nature. Teseo, with its professionalism and experience acquired in over 25 years of work, has the skills needed to value loans, skills that we have gained through our previous experience in
the debt collection sector.

The process of factoring:

Schema Cessione credito per pagina Acq NPL sito en

Advantages of factoring:
With the concept of non-recourse factoring, the “selling” company has distinctive
 Tax deductibility of “losses” (Stability Law 2014)
 Compliance with the accounting principles of the annual financial statements
 Eliminate unnecessary costs for collection of receivables and consequent savings in
operating costs
 Cleaning of the balance sheet total and rating improvement
 Facilitated access to credit



With Teseo these advantages are guaranteed!